Voice Of Customers - Stickers
Voice Of Customers - Stickers
Voice of Customers Stickers - Real-time Measurement of Customer Feedback and Analysis. These QR code stickers help you collect feedback for your store, counters, tables, staff wise , and other specific categories in your business.
Add feedback links to your websites
Use feedback links in social media pages and posts
Print QR code for feedback on leaflets, product and packaging
Add feedback links in your whatsapp, email and SMS campaigns
Responses will be saved in DoWell Living Lab Datacube
DoWell Datacube will analyse real-time data and present reports
How "DoWell Voice of Customers" works?
1. Use customised QR code for each facility, each shop, each table, each service personnel.....
2. Request visitors to scan the QR code and give their feedback.
3. Responses will be analysed facility-wise, shop-wise, table-wise and person-wise in DoWell Datacube on a real-time basis with location.
4. You can also use unique QR codes and links for feedback through websites, socialmedia, Whatsapp, SMS, and other channels.
Nothing new?!... Continue reading to know the uniqueness of "DoWell voice of Customers"
In "DoWell voice of Customers" each QR code is unique and will be registered to the location where it is using. Visitor's location also can be recorded with their permission while scanning.
Reports will be facility-wise, shop-wise, table-wise and person-wise in DoWell Datacube on a real-time basis with location. Consolidated reports and group-wise reports also will be provided.
"DoWell voice of Customers" will handle millions of feedbacks with 10000 unique QR codes in one workspace. Need more... we can consolidate workspaces.
Need a quick look.. visit us at www.dowellresearch.sg
DoWell Research
How to set VoC
Add"website"feedback link in the QR code in your website
Use "Social media" feedback links in the QR Code in social media pages and post
Print the "print" QR code for feedback on leaflets product and packaging
Use "chat" feedback links in the QR Code in whatsapp ,emails & SMS campaign
Scan "report" QR Code to reach login screen. login with username and password provide to see report